We love being apart of the network of local churches in East Kilbride who provide love and care for people in our community who are struggling to make ends meet.

“Help given freely without question or judgement.”

EK Community Food Bank is a short-term care initiative that aims to help families who are facing financial difficulty and who do not have enough to buy all the food they require as a family. Food packages are given out freely to families without question or judgement.

Want to get involved?

We meet on Monday evenings in Greenhills, East Kilbride where we serve coffees, hand out food bags and chat. We would love to have some extra helpers, but we don't need anybody to commit to coming often. And actually, it would even be excellent to have you as a one-off helper.

If you just fancy coming one week to see what it’s all about, or feel like you could help by making the teas & coffees so our team are freed up to chat with our guests - we would appreciate anything!!”

Email us for more information on friends@ekvineyard.co.uk